Minutes from 3 Oct 2007

Plain Monthly Meeting
October 3, 2007

The meeting was called to order at 7:06 p.m. by Mary Stuckey.

Attendees: Candy Howland, Vice President; Mary Stuckey, Treasurer; Linda Orgain, Secretary; Kathy deNobriega, Ella Johannaber, Veronica Wright.

The meeting was chaired by Mary because Nicky Rosenbluth, PLAIN President, could not be present.

Treasurer’s Report. Mary S. reported that she deposited $912 today for the tree and shrub fund. She reported on the balances. PLAIN now has $2025.45 in the bank.

Minutes were submitted and were accepted.

Old Business:

International Dinner. The dinner, which was held on September 15, was a great success. All of the food was eaten!

Halloween Party. Candy H. noted that she has information about the party and is looking for people who want to volunteer to assist. Party is on Saturday, October 27, from 4-6:30 p.m. About 50 children usually attend. Dinner will also be provided –
$5.00 for spaghetti and meatballs. They also will purchase some drinks (sodas and bottled water). Candy is looking for people to volunteer to bake cookies for the children to decorate. Annette usually makes the cookies. Ella and Veronica also said they will make some cookies (2 dozen each). Nicky and Mary will be responsible for purchasing the prizes. The budget for prizes will be $100-$150. People are also needed to coordinate the games. In addition, the Theatre Group will be provide a couple of ghost stories (for younger and older children – spookier).

Adult Halloween Party. Someone had suggested having an adult party to be held after the children’s party. However, PLAIN will not be responsible for this. Mary will ask Nicky who had suggested the party.

November: Caring and Sharing. PLAIN is asking for donations of canned goods and money to make gift baskets for needy families. Faye Ridling is responsible for this project. Ella will promote this effort with another article in the next PLAIN Talk.

PLAIN Talk. Faye Ridling will be the December “Meet Your Neighbor” profile.
October 3, 2007 – PLAIN Minutes – page 2

Christmas Activities.
1. Breakfast with Santa. The is scheduled for Saturday morning, December 1. However, we need to find a new Santa! Kathy will ask Matt C. We will need to have the Santa suit cleaned. Also, Matt will need to try on the suit to see whether it fits.
2. Lighting of the Lake and Cookie Exchange. The Lighting of the Lake holiday events will be held on Saturday, December 1 beginning at 5:30-6 p.m. Entertainment will begin at 6 p.m., and will include the Pine Lake chorus featuring Greg Creech, the Theatre Group, and Paul Jasionowski’s music students. The cookie exchange also will be that evening. People bring 3 dozen cookies, 1 dozen to share and 2 dozen to swap. We will need volunteers to help with bagging the cookies.

New Business:
Community Group Summits. Pine Lake City Council member Kathie deNobriga said that the City Council is proposing quarterly summit meetings with the various community groups in Pine Lake. They would like to have the leadership of the groups participate in the City Council session before the work session. The City Council meeting schedule will be provided in next PLAIN Talk. Meetings are at 6:30 p.m. at the Club House. The purpose of these meetings will be to discuss how to be more effective as a community. With the recent community growth, it seems that there are many pockets of activities, but each group may not know what the others are doing, or communication depends on one person. Thus, the goal of these meetings will be to increase communication and the ability for these community groups to engage in more efficient planning. The first opportunity for these meetings will be on Monday, November 12.

Next Town Hall Meeting will be held on Thursday, November 15.

PLAIN Talk. Ella J. said that there still was a need for someone to be responsible for the publication’s advertising. There is potential for this to be a money maker. Candy has been sharing these duties with Ella. The problem is that money for ads has not been collected for some time. MacKenzie Mansfield Pharmacy is paid through the end of the year, and Ella thinks the Kingfisher is paid up for 2007 as well. Ella said that she would take over the ads. There is a need for a journal ledger that tracks payments. Ella said she will get the ledger together; she will also contact the businesses that are currently advertising. Candy said that she will write an article for PLAIN Talk soliciting a volunteer to help with advertising. There is a general cost for ads, by size, plus an extra charge for setting up an ad (design). All payments for ads can be sent to the PLAIN post office box.

There was a comment that the article on Rhonda Beard in the October issue of Plain Talk was a good thing to do. Ms. Beard was a friend of Chief Y’hudah Greene. There is information in that article on a foundation in her name.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:39 pm.