
Need Support From PLAIN?

PLAIN provides support for the people of Pine Lake in targeted areas. The PLAIN Board will consider proposals for activities or events that meet one or more of the following Community Goals:

  1. Strengthen the sense of community within Pine Lake and with our nearby neighbors.
  2. Enhance Pine Lake physically, socially, or educationally.
  3. Recognize “above and beyond” contributions of individuals or groups to the community.

In addition, PLAIN can provide assistance to people in need under the PLAIN Neighbor 2 Neighbor program. PLAIN resources are modest, so the PLAIN Board will make decisions about support in all of these areas based on the frameworks and processes outlined below.

Framework for People In Need

Note that the PLAIN Little Free Pantry is an ongoing resource for those in need. Access to the Little Free Pantry is 24/7 located near the old city hall and is stocked with non-perishable items. 

  • Individuals and families experiencing critical need may seek or be referred to PLAIN by contacting a Board member.
  • Financial support generally caps at $250.
  • Board discussions and decisions on these matters will be confidential.

Framework for Events and Activities

Types of potential PLAIN support include financial support, sponsorship/hosting,  including acting as liaison with the City for facilities, assistance with fundraising through PayPal, and publicity.

  • Financial distributions generally cap at $250.
  • Proposal consideration includes relevance to the Community Goals listed above, potential impact, the fun factor, level of involvement of Pine Lake people in planning and executing the activity, and the availability of funds.
  • Proposals should detail applicable Community Goals, the type of support requested, and any relevant factors from #3 above.
  • Proposals should be submitted to the PLAIN board. Proposals will be discussed by the board at the next monthly meeting. Ideally, someone involved in the proposed activity will attend the meeting to participate in this discussion.
  • Implementation of supported programs should include mention of PLAIN’s support in program materials and publicity.

Other Community Resources

Pine Lake Welcome Kit

If you’re new to town, “Welcome to Pine Lake!” The links provided here contain essential information from the Pine Lake Welcome Kit about your new community.