Neighbor2Neighbor (N2N)
PLAIN Little Free Pantry (LFP)
In order to help promote the safety and security of those in need, PLAIN has operated a food bank. We are in the process of transitioning to a self-serve food pantry. It will be located near the old city hall and will be stocked with non-perishable items. Watch this space for updates! We expect to be up and running in mid to late August 2023.
The PLAIN Little Free Pantry is for those not easily able to meet everyday food and personal needs. It will be stocked with such items as canned goods, proteins, grains, and other non-perishables. It is freely available to all, with no administrative or other requirements of those making use of the LFP. The LFP operates as a safety net and cannot meet large scale needs. For this reason, the LFP has information about nearby full-scale pantries, food distribution programs, and other forms of assistance. This information is in English and Spanish.
People in Need
Occasionally, someone in our community may have a critical need for immediate assistance. PLAIN can make modest one-time assistance grants up to $200. In the past, these have been made for such things as housing and transportation crises. Those in need can contact a PLAIN Board member or by emailing PLAIN Board discussions on these matters are confidential.
Community Engagement
Pine Lake sees an exciting and diverse array of activities throughout the year that bring together the community, provide educational opportunities, and are fun. In addition to the activities PLAIN itself organizes (breakfasts/brunches, July 4 picnic, December Lighting of the Lights at the lake, etc.) PLAIN supports activities developed and planned by others. This support can include financial support, sponsorship/hosting including liaison with the City for facilities, assistance with fund raising through GoFundMe, and publicity. Every year, PLAIN provides some funding to LakeFest, PrideLake, and Juneteenth. In addition, PLAIN has provided support for activities initiated and conducted by community members, most recently the Easter Egg Hunt and the Wildlife Demonstration.
Ideas are welcomed by the PLAIN Board. Please visit us at one of our monthly meetings (third Thursday of every month at 7:00pm at the Beach House).
Rockbridge Elementary School
Rockbridge Elementary is a Title 1 School, indicating a high level of low-income students. Over the last two years the generous Pine Lake community has supported the school and its students in a variety of ways: food for those in need, a coat drive in the winter, a basic school supply drive in August, and teacher appreciation activities. Donations to the PLAIN N2N program make these possible.