1. Each resident is billed annually (in January of each year) for Sanitation Tax and Plot Tax. Most mortgage companies do not pay this. Please check with your company to determine if they pay for these items. This tax is due to Pine Lake by March 15.
2. BFI picks up household waste only on Tuesday, along with recyclables. Trash may be put out on Monday night for Tuesday morning pickup. Trash cans must be put back, out of sight of the street, by Wednesday at noon. Do not put yard trash or building materials in these cans, or BFI will not pick up.
3. Yard trimmings, limbs, etc. should be placed at the curb for city maintenance pickup. Leaves should be spread at the curb for vacuuming by city leaf machine.
4. Furniture, appliances and/or building materials should be put on the curb for city maintenance pickup. Paint cans will be picked up if sand is put into the cans.
5. House numbers should be visible from the street, and at least three (3) inches high (Ordinance under title 6, Chap 2, Sec 9a).
6. Park cards are issued to new property owners — two per family — at no cost. There is a $10 fee per replacement card. Renters may get park cards at a charge of $25 per set, with proof of residence. $15 of this charge will be refunded if cards are returned when renter moves out. Cards are updated annually with stickers at no charge. Applications are available at city hall, or by clicking here.
7. Permit forms: Building permits, tree removal permits, fence permits, and yard sale permits can be found at city hall. Building permits are required for structural changes, new structure, porch or deck additions, driveways, etc. Check with city hall to verify requirement. Electrical and plumbing permits must be secured from DeKalb County after Pine Lake permit is obtained.
8. Voter registration forms are available at city hall and at pinelakegeorgia.com. Notary service also available at city hall.
9. Car registration, marriage licenses, finger printing and other civil legal requirements must be handled through DeKalb County. Call (404) 371-2601 for information.
10. Although walking pets is allowed around the lake area, all pets must be restrained. Owners are required to maintain control of their pets at all times, to keep pets out of the swimming area of the lake (inside the berm) and to clean up behind their pets.
11. PLAIN hosts a monthly pancake breakfast, on the first Saturday of each month, at the Beach House. Low cost, great food and good neighbors from 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.
12. Other general resident information will be published in the monthly newsletter PLAINTalk. Upcoming events and state of the city matters are included in an insert, Notes from City Hall.