Thurs, Feb 4th at 7:30pm at the Club House
For our February PLAIN meeting, we want to you to speak up more than ever!
As you may or may not know, PLAIN is always working to improve communications within Pine Lake, but realize that there is always lots of room for improvement. And let’s not just stop at talking about PLAIN, but about citywide communications. Signs, emails, newsletters. How can we make these more effective? What other forms of communications can we add? What would you like to hear more about? What would you like to hear less about? Would you respond to an online survey (or a paper one) if we created one? What can you do to help? PLAINTalk is floundering due to lack of volunteers. Do we really want to see the newsletter die? (NO) Does the city’s website meet its mission? How can it be improved? What about the PLAIN site? (I’ve got a prototype of a much more interactive site with forums and blogs and more.) Do you have some skills for helping us improve our
So we need to hear from you! Please, come out to the PLAIN meeting on Thursday February 4th at 7:30 at the club house. We’ll provide food for thought and food for your belly.
In the meantime, put on your thinking caps and send me ( your ideas. I can’t wait to hear what you have to say.