PLAIN Meeting Minutes
February 4, 2010
The meeting was called to order at 7:55 p.m. by Gwyneth Butera.
Attendees: Gwyneth Butera, President; Lalah Manly, Vice President; Mary Stuckey, Treasurer; Linda Orgain, Secretary; Ella Johannaber, PLAIN Talk Editor; Greg Creech and Faye Ridling, Co-chairs, Neighborhood Watch; and Gayle Austin (new resident on Lakeshore), James Schwarzlose, Cree Sechrist, Elizabeth Shields, and Veronica Wright.
Treasurer’s Report. Mary Stuckey provided the Treasurer’s Report, which showed a positive balance of $4,242.67.
PLAIN Communications.
This month’s meeting was chaired by PLAIN President Gwyneth Butera, who led a discussion on how PLAIN currently communicates with Pine Lake residents what the best ways are to get information out to the community. Gwyneth said that the PLAIN Talk newsletter is our regular medium for providing information on PLAIN’s activities, but that we are in need of additional assistance for our editor, Ella.
Ella said that in addition to sending list serve announcements before the monthly newsletter deadline soliciting stories, she could approach people and ask them to write specific stories. She appreciates it when people provide her with story ideas. She notes that PLAIN Talk is an excellent archive of city events. It was suggested that the column “Green Talk” be revived, and that Ella develop some more monthly column-type articles for the publication. She would like someone to assist in coordinating this. She would like to continue the Spotlight on residents column.
Elizabeth Shields reminded the group that although the Pine Lake announcement e-mail list is used to communicate about events, many Pine Lakers do not have access to the e-mail. She suggested using another means to provide city annual reminders. In addition, Greg Creech and Faye Ridling currently are updating the city’s Welcome Packet. These will be distributed to new residents, with supplies kept at City Hall.
Gail suggested a more comprehensive newcomer’s packet with more complete and accurate information on some topics, such as recycling. She said that when she moved to the city, she had some problems locating this type of information.
Other ideas for communications presented at the meeting included the following:
PLAIN Web Site: Gwyneth asked for suggestions on what type of information is missing from the PLAIN Web site.
Pine Lake (City) Web site: Concerns were expressed about lack of content. This is maintained by the city, so residents can express this to city management.
Telephone Tree: Faye Ridling is working on developing this, in conjunction with the Neighborhood Watch Committee.
PLAIN Talk: concerns were expressed about this being distributed in electronic format, with the publication no longer being delivered door-to-door. However, it was becoming more difficult to find people willing to make the home deliveries. In addition to the electronic format, it is available in boxes at three sites around the city – Beachhouse, Western Wetlands, and the Courthouse. We will make sure that some are kept at City Hall as well. We are now printing 100, and it was decided to increase this to 125.
Facebook: Elizabeth suggested that we leverage the Pine Lake People’s posting on Facebook and use this medium more. Ella would like to see a Pine Lake gossip column.
Signage: It was suggested that the location of signs be standardized so that residents know where to look for signs. Current locations include the entry to Pine Lake on Spring Street and the corner of Clubhouse and Poplar (James S.’s property). It was also suggested that we put one by the Clubhouse.
Sign Board at Clubhouse: It was suggested that we post a “Month at a Glance” listing of community events on the sign at the Clubhouse, which is not being used regularly.
Directory: Greg Creech said that he would like to work on a new Pine Lake resident directory.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, March 4, at 7:30 p.m. at the Clubhouse.