Pine Lake Theater Camp

Our 3rd summer camp for kids begins on Monday the 14th of June and finishes on the 25th with a performance for the community at 4pm. Mark your calendars and plan to come out for this one-of-a-kind performance by the children.

Our daily schedule M-F is 8:30-3:30 in the Beach house. Camp swimming hour in the lake is from 11-12. The beach remains open to all during camp hours, just keep in mind that when all 30 kids are swimming, the beach is quite full.

Please set aside the following items for camp if you have them:
Cardboard boxes/large pieces of cardboard
crayons, markers, pencils, pens
paper all sizes
dress-ups (interesting wardrobe items, fabric that sparkles, is a great color, or texture, hats, masks, etc.)

You can call me, Ella, if you have items to donate.

We LOVE our volunteers! There are a number of ways you can come be a part of camp:
1.Be a scribe for a group of kids or one-on-one. Listen to the children and write down what they say and do.

2.Sit on the beach and be another set of eyes to make sure our campers stay safe on the beach and in the water.

3.Be a guest artist and paint, sing, make masks, sew costumes, etc. with the campers.

4.Remember an old camp song from back in the day? Come sing it with us!

Call me and let me know what your ideas are!

See you at Camp!