Ahoy Neighbors!
I wanted to give ya’ll a head s up that First Friday returns in August with *The Serenaders. As often happens this group keeps popping up in items Im reading about or listed on the roster of upcoming events.
‘Barton Caplan and Joel Glogowski formed the Serenaders after packing up the Geo and touring the Country Music Hall of Fame in Nashville. All the greats (Willie, Dolly, Merle, George, and all the Hanks) prodded them toward discovering their country roots. Joel’s got the biggest classic country music collection this side of Peco, and in addition to stand-up, upright, and double bass, he also plays banjo and guitar. Barton specializes in playing big fat open chords and writing the songs. Danny creates irresistible riffs and noteworthy hooks on his flying V.’
Please mark your calenders and invite your friends for an evening here at the beach house to help welcome these talented guys to the community.
August 6th 8 pm -10pm Beach house
cold drinks-ice coffee~snacks~Eva’s homemade treat
5$ donation appreciated