The weather update still has some nasty stuff coming our way. Please be sure to take any precautions necessary for a few days of nasty.
The city has pre-placed sand at the more susceptible locations and will be treating any icy roads as necessary. PLEASE don’t disturb them otherwise.
The City Council chamber will also be available Sunday night for use as an emergency shelter. If you lose heat one way or another, this facility will be available. The Council Chamber, and once the renovation is complete, the clubhouse, is hooked to a generator and can function when the main power is cut out for whatever reason.
If you decide to go, you will have to provide your own bedding materials. We can supply a warm room with a bathroom but there are no supplies there otherwise. Check on neighbors who may not have access to this list and let them know this is available.
Thank you!
Matt Pulsts
Pine Lake CERT Team