Citywide Yard Sale – 5/7

Once again, PLAIN (Pine Lake Association of Involved Neighbors) will be sponsoring the annual


This year’s sale date is a little later than usual – Saturday, May 7th from 8:30 – 4:00 PM – so you have plenty of time to go through your belongings, clear out that clutter and make a few bucks in the process.

The cost to participate is $5 per household. This helps pay for the common advertising and balloons. Any money left over helps to support PLAIN. Participant Form Envelopes will be available at City Hall or in an information box placed under the event sign in front of the clubhouse. This year we will have a map of Pine Lake with each participating household shown, so it is important to turn in your forms by April 30th.

Please put your $5 cash or check made out to PLAIN into the Participant Form Envelope and drop it off at City Hall Administrative Building. If you want to drop off outside of business hours you can use the mail slot in the door. Valarie has kindly agreed to collect them for us.

This year we will be able to use the Clubhouse parking lot, so if you have only a small number of items you might consider setting up a table there. It would also be a great opportunity for fundraising (for animal control equipment?) or for kids’ lemonade stands as well as a chance to get together and have fun – which always seems to be popular in PL.

Since there will not be a mayor’s trash amnesty day this year, we have arranged to have the a Kidney Fund Truck come on the Monday following the Yard Sale to pick up leftover items that you wish to donate – just indicate on the participant form that you want a pickup and I will include your address on the pickup route.

Remember, Participant Form Envelopes will be available at City Hall or in the information box under the event sign in front of the Clubhouse. Complete and return the envelope to City Hall by April, 30th. Also remember to tell all your friends to come to the sale.