Hello neighbors. It is that time of year! The Pine Lake Association of Involved Neighbors (PLAIN) board consists of four members plus the immediate past president. Our leadership, and membership for that matter, rolls over in June.
Are you willing to consider running for the board of directors ? If so, please contact me. We are planning a steering committee meeting next week to work on the transition.
Here is a link to the PLAIN Bylaws. You can also navigate to other information about the organization from this link:
Here are the officer responsibilities:
President items:
Get set of club house/beach house keys from Valerie.
Email announce list about upcoming breakfasts and plain meetings
Make sure there is a breakfast crew and they know what else is happening community related that day (ie breakfast with Santa)!
Take care of info@plainhelps.org emails.
VP items:
Get membership forms from Treasurer and update membership spreadsheet (new sheet each year)
These updates need to be made in a very timely manner.
Remind volunteers of their commitments.
Send out a call for volunteers & officers in Apr/May/June.
Secretary items:
If possible, send a recap of meeting to plaintalk editor.
Bring previous month’s minutes to meeting for approval.
Send approved minutes to Gwyneth for posting on website.
Update brochure when necessary – Linda has the latest copy.
Treasurer items:
Get keys to mailbox 44 – Talani has them right now
Get all records – Talani and Lois are holding them now.
Keep a simple set of spreadsheets sufficient for our needs and reduce the “handover” difficulties.
Thank you for your consideration.