Don’t delay, sign-up today! Please contact Susan Edwards at or me at to be a part of our community yard sale. PLAIN requests a $5 donation to provide signage, advertising, balloons for each home, listing of addresses, and maps for our shoppers; the City of Pine Lake is waiving the $10 deposit for each household who participates in our shopping bonanza. We have over 30 households already! Please send us your name, address, email, and cell phone. We’ll publish our list of addresses next Wednesday.
For our dear Flower Children, who’s homes haven’t had the traffic that the Tree People have had for past Yard Sales. So, for the folks on the Flower Side (north), we will have maps that instruct shoppers to being on Ridge and shop their way to Poplar. Our address listing will begin at Ridge. We will have signs pointing to the Flower Side to encourage our visitors to shop there first. We’ll have maps and address listings at the bulletin boards and other locations. We’ll provide maps and address listings to each participating household, too.
The American Kidney Fund will pick-up your leftover items at 4:00 PM, if you like. NOTE: YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE YARD SALE TO HAVE AKF PICK-UP YOUR ITEMS. Let us know that you want AKF pick-up only that day.
Greg Creech
PLAIN President 2016/2017