You are cordially invited to the monthly PLAIN breakfast this Saturday, February 1, 9:30am to 11:30am at the Beach House.
The breakfast special this month? Free if you are a new resident! Everyone else is $3.00, $1.00 for kids. How do we do it? Volume!! We really do hope you can make it and join us in a wonderful community event.
And if that weren’t enough we are pleased to have retired attorney Katrina Shoemaker (mother of former Pine Laker Kate Reese) meet with us at the Beach House at 10:30 to talk and take questions about wills. Katrina Shoemaker was a Family attorney who has been licensed for 26 years.
A surprising 55% of Americans don’t have a will, but they are critical documents because they allow you to establish how your assets are handled after you die. If you don’t have one, state laws will determine who gets your assets and your heirs may face delays and expenses in trying to get their inheritance. So come and meet Katrina find out key facts that you need to know. The session is free of charge and thanks Ellen Mintzmeyer for making this happen!