July 2020 Meeting

We are having our July 2020 PLAIN meeting tonight July 16 at 7pm on Zoom.The link to the meeting is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87113121480?pwd=UjNwcXlCRGwvTWprKzNtVTlUbzZMQT09

One of the items that is most important is to find a new treasurer. Gayle Austin is retiring after 41/2 years of faithfully keeping track of our finances. If you would like to volunteer for this position please let us know. If you would like to chat about the duties and responsibilities give myself (678-557-9855) or Tom Ramsey (678-850-5462) a buzz. We need your help! Thanks.Link to tonights agenda:


  • Approval of June 2020 Minutes
  • Treasurer report: Gayle’s last report! we need a new Treasurer!
  • Budgeting/planning (Tom)
  • member update
  • Caring & Sharing/Food Pantry update
  • Eran’s ideas: swimming lessons for rockbridge elementary, Phone booth libraries, community app (what would pine lake like to see in an app?)
  • online store at square up to sell plain stuff (?) to make money
  • Revenue and Promotion Update- This is a perfect time to promote use of Amazon Smile to our membership, we have  a similar program available through Kroger (Tracey) https://www.kroger.com/topic/atlanta-community-rewards
  • Community computers-collect soon to be discarded computers for community use
  • grant update?
  • Suggestion to ROKS to use PLAINTALK to advertise businesses on Rockbridge

We hope to see you tonight.