PLAIN Meeting Thursday, March 21

PLAIN is holding its monthly meeting March 21, 7pm at the Beach House. All are welcome. In the past year PLAIN presented 10 breakfasts, 2 picnics, donated beach chairs and planters to the city, supported neighbors with its caring and sharing program, supported our neighbor school, Rockbridge Elementary, by donating warm coats, teacher luncheons, school supplies, and more. With your help we can continue make Pine Lake a better place to live. (photo-Mick Kinney and the Kingfisher Strutters at the PLAIN Mardi Gras breakfast and march around the lake)

Have an announcement, goods, or services to be included (free) in the next PLAINTalk? send email to before March 30, 2019. Keep it short and sweet and include any artwork (keep it small).

To support PLAIN click on the Join or Donate links above. You can also donate to PLAIN when you purchase items via  Thanks from all of us.