Constitution and By-laws

click here for a pdf of our Constitution and By-laws

Mission Statement:

Fostering the spirit of community within Pine Lake, and contributing that spirit to the broader community around us.

Vision and Goals

Pine Lake Association of Involved Neighbors recognizes the unique character of the Pine Lake community. 

We work to these Goals:

  1. Support the continuing vitality of the Pine Lake community, as it grows and develops with changes around us.  
  2. Provide opportunities for our members to contribute to the community.
  3. Use the unique strength of the Pine Lake community to create positive change, in targeted ways, in the broader community around us.  
  4. Become a more integrated member of the central DeKalb County community.


Pine Lake Association of Involved Neighbors

Constitution and Bylaws

Adopted June 11, 1995

Revised: June 1996, October 1996, January 1997,

May 1997, June 1998, November 2000


Article I

Name and Headquarters

Section 1

The name of this organization shall be the Pine Lake Association of Involved Neighbors, also known as


Section 2

The headquarters of this organization shall be maintained at the principal residence or place of business of

the President of the organization. The mailing address shall be established by the board of directors.

Article II


This organization shall not be and is herby not affiliated with any other organization.

Article III


Section 1

The purpose of this organization shall be to support the objectives and the mission statement as outlined in

our bylaws.

Section 2

This organization shall be nonpartisan, nonsectarian, and shall wholly abstain from any affiliations or

endorsements of candidates for public office.

Article IV


Any citizen of Pine Lake is eligible for active membership in this organization.

Article V


Section 1

The government of this organization shall be vested in a Board of Directors consisting of the officers and

the Immediate Past President. Said officers shall be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

Section 2

The officers of this organization shall be elected in the manner prescribed by the bylaws and shall hold

office for a period of one year, or until their successors are duly elected and charged.

Article VI


This constitution may be amended by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at any regular or special

meeting provided that notice of the proposed amendment has been mailed or delivered to the last known

address of each member at least 21 (twenty-one) days prior to the date of such meeting.


Article I


Section 1 (Eligibility and Qualifications for Membership)

Any resident of the city of Pine Lake, Georgia, is eligible for active membership in this organization. A

resident of Pine Lake qualifies for active membership upon application in writing and payment of dues.

Section 2 (Rights of Membership)

All active members of this organization have the right to vote in matters concerning the organization, and

may hold office, if elected by a majority of members voting, and other rights as described by the Board or


Section 3 (Resignations and Disciplinary Actions)

Membership in this organization may be terminated by a majority vote by the Board of Directors at a duly

called meeting of said Board, provided that the Board shall have, at a previous meeting, voted that the

presence of such member is prejudicial to the best interest of the organization and further that the member

in question is subsequently given a written notice of the pending vote to terminate and reasons for it at least

five (5) days prior to the meeting and is given an opportunity address the board on his/her behalf at that

meeting. In the event of a vote of termination, all dues for the fiscal year are forfeit.

Any member voluntarily terminating his/her membership should state such intent to the Secretary so that

appropriate or necessary changes might be made prior to the date of separation. All dues for the fiscal year

are forfeit.

Article II


Section 1

Annual dues are payable on or before the beginning of the organization’s fiscal year, which is July 1.

Renewal for new members who pay dues after March 1 shall be July 1 of the next year.

Section 2

The annual dues for active members of this organization shall be twenty-five ($25) dollars per household.

After December 31 and until July 1 of each year, dues are twelve dollars and fifty cents ($12.50) per


Article III

Governing Body

Section 1

The government of this organization shall be vested in the Board of Directors, which shall be subject to the

will of the membership.

Section 2

The Board of Directors shall have control and management of the property of this organization subject to

the will of the membership. Funds of the organization may be withdrawn from the bank or banks or other

financial institutions with which they are on deposit by the joint signatures of any two (2) officers. The

Board of Directors shall establish such rules of the operation of the organization’s business as shall be

consistent with the Constitution and Bylaws of the organization.

Section 3

Vacancies on the Board of Directors shall be filled by nominations from the floor at the first regular

meeting of the organization after said vacancy occurs, by a majority of those members present. The

members of the board elected shall remain in office for the duration of the term of the individuals thus

replaced. If the office of President is vacated, the Immediate Past President shall fill the office until a new

President is elected at the second regular meeting after the vacancy occurs. If the Immediate Past President

is unable to fill the office of President during this interim period, then the Vice President shall preside in

the absence of the President. Nominations and election of a new President shall be taken from the general

membership at the second regular meeting after the office of President is vacated.

Section 4

The Board of Directors shall keep minutes of all its meetings. Such minutes shall be permanently filed in

the records of the organization.

Section 5

A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the active members of the organization present at a regular meeting of the

organization shall be sufficient to veto an action of the Board of Directors on a motion duly made and


Section 6

Any proposed program of expenditure of money for which there is no clearly established policy must first

be presented to the Board of Directors before it may be presented to the membership.

Section 7

Any action taken by the Board of Directors in regard to agreements or raising of funds that carries over

from one administration to the next shall be approved by a majority vote of the active membership.

Article IV


Section 1

Not less than thirty (30) days prior to the annual election, the President shall appoint, with the approval of

the Board of Directors, a nominating committee of not less than three (3) members.

Section 2

The nominating committee shall decide upon the names of candidates for election and shall make written

recommendations to the membership not less than ten (10) days prior to the annual election. Additional

names may be placed in nomination at the time of balloting provided the nominee is a member in good

standing and has the appropriate nomination and second.

Section 3

At the annual election, there shall be elected a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer in order.

Voting shall be by individual members in good standing, and no person shall cast more than one vote.

Proxies and absentee ballots will be recognized.

Section 4

Except for the initial election of officers, officers shall take office July 1, which shall begin the

organization’s fiscal term. Term of office shall be for one year.

Article V


Section 1

The annual meeting of this organization shall be held in May of each year and notice of such meeting shall

be mailed or delivered to each member at their last known address at least ten (10) days prior thereto.

Section 2

The organization shall hold a minimum of eight (8) meetings, which includes special events, during the

organization’s fiscal year. Fifteen (15) percent of the membership shall constitute a quorum.

Section 3

Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be at prearranged dates or at the call of the President. At all

meetings of the Board of Directors, a majority shall constitute a quorum.

Section 4

Special meetings of the membership or the Board of Directors may be called by the President or Secretary

at the request of at least four (4) members.

Article VI

Duties of Officers

Section 1

The President, as chief executive officer of the organization, shall supervise the organizations affairs and

activities, and shall make an annual report to the members. He/she shall be the organization’s primary

representative to the public.

Section 2

The Vice President shall preside at membership and Board of Directors meetings in the absence of the

President, and shall also work with the President on such affairs of the organization as finances and public


Section 3

The Secretary shall oversee all communication and give notice of all regular and special meetings and shall

keep a permanent record of the minutes of such meetings. He/she shall be the custodian of all official

meeting records and correspondence of the organization.

Section 4

The Treasurer shall issue notices of dues payable and be responsible for the collection thereof, the books of

the organization, disperse funds as required and shall report monthly on the financial condition of hte

organization. He/she shall be custodian of all financial records of the organization and shall prepare a report

for audit by his/her successor.

Article VII


Section 1

The Board of Directors shall determine the committees deemed proper and necessary to fulfill the

objectives and purpose of the organization.

Section 2

All committee chairpersons shall be appointed by the President, subject to approval of the Board of


Section 3

The President and Vice President shall be ex-officio members of all committees.

Article VIII

Authority to Bind

No member of this organization shall contract for or incur debt or enter into any agreement or otherwise

obligate this organization except by authorization of the Board of Directors or the membership.

Article IX

Rules of Order

Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of all meetings of the organization and its constituent

parts except as provided by these bylaws.

Article X

Removal from Office

Any officer may be removed from office as a result of failure to fulfill the duties of said office or for

conduct detrimental to the best interests of the organization. Said removal must follow the following


1. A petition stating the charge or charges shall be filed with the Secretary and signed by two-thirds

(2/3) of the Board of Directors or by two-thirds (2/3) of the members in good standing.

2. The Secretary shall notify each members at least twenty-one (21) days before the question is

placed on the general membership meeting agenda.

3. Said officer shall be permitted written notice of the charge or charges ten (10) days before the

question is to be placed on the general membership meeting agenda.

4. The petitioners shall present their case first, said officer shall be heard second and the vote shall be

taken third. Two-thirds (2/3) of those voting shall be necessary to remove said officer from office. A

quorum must be present at this meeting. Should said officer be the Secretary, the Vice President shall

receive and distribute the petition. Should the officer be the President, the Vice President shall preside

during removal proceedings. No removal proceedings shall be based more than once on the same evidence.

Article XI


Written policies shall be established which shall rule pertaining to the adoption of programs, duties of

officers and other matters of concern to the organization. These policies may be adopted or amended by a

majority vote of the members in good standing present at a regular or special meeting of the organization.

Article XII

Appropriations Committee

A standing Appropriations Committee composed of a chairman and two (2) committee members, with the

Vice President as an ex-officio member, shall function one year to the next. The duties of the

Appropriations Committee shall be to review all community or charitable donations of moneys by the

organization. The Committee recommendations shall be submitted to the Board of Directors before any

action may be taken at a general meeting of the organization.

Article XIII

Section 1

Mission Statemen

Fostering the spirit of community within Pine Lake, and contributing that spirit to the broader community around us.

Section 2

Vision and Goals

Pine Lake Association of Involved Neighbors recognizes the unique character of the Pine Lake community. 

We work to these Goals:

  1. Support the continuing vitality of the Pine Lake community, as it grows and develops with changes around us.  
  2. Provide opportunities for our members to contribute to the community.
  3. Use the unique strength of the Pine Lake community to create positive change, in targeted ways, in the broader community around us.  
  4. Become a more integrated member of the central DeKalb County community

Article XIV

Copy of Bylaws

A current copy of these Bylaws and the Constitution shall be maintained in the office of this organization.

Each member shall be given a complete copy of the Constitution and Bylaws and any changes thereto that

may from time to time be made.

Article XV

Dissolution of Organization

Upon dissolution of this organization, after all outstanding debts have been paid, the balance of all moneys

shall be dispersed to the General Fund of the City of Pine Lake.

Article XVI

Amendment Procedure

These Bylaws may be amended or repealed by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the active membership at any

meeting. Unless the Board of Directors initiates such proposed Bylaws change, such change shall be

presented to the Board for study and recommendation. The Board of Directors shall have not more than

twenty-one (21) days in which to report to the membership. The Board’s report shall be advisory only and

shall not be binding on the membership.