Our annual Spring Fling Clean-up and Picnic is this Saturday, May 22 starting at 8:00AM. You may volunteer and clean-up any time that day; we’ll start at 8:00 and have our picnic at 11:00 and then we will clean some more.
The city will provide hot dogs, chips, condiments, water, charcoal and other picnic needs. If you want to join us after 8:00, we will leave the Grant Sign in Sheet and Waivers at the Beach house porch for you to complete.
Here are our list of priorities:
- Clean the Lake and Streams (inside and around the creek and lake)
- Streets
- The Inner Berm shrubs
- Help with the Picnic
While PLEAS has disbanded our need for these events continue so your Citizens in Action for this event are Matt Pulsts, Faye Ridling, and Greg Creech. We are coordinating the day’s clean-up and picnic, so leave the meetings to us. James and other canoers and kayakers we need help cleaning around the banks of the lake – the trash is awful in the lake. We will have tasks for everyone and can use all of the help we may receive to beautify our parks.
Don’t you want to be a CIA (Citizen in Action)? Pick a project and engage others to help – like the gardening folks that beautify our planters with lovely flowers. No formal committee needed. Like these clean-up days, please volunteer and help with the tasks. Show-up Saturday ready to work, enjoy your environment, and help with the picnic.
Let’s make our parks, lakes, and creeks beautiful for our Beach Opening Weekend and Memorial Parade and Cook out on the 29th.