General Membership Meeting
PLAIN Meeting Minutes
June 4,2009
The meeting was called to order at 7:40p.m. by Gwyneth Butera.
Attendees: Gwyneth Butera, President; Lalah Manly, Vice President; Mary Stuckey, Treasurer; Linda Orgain,Secretary;Nicky Rosenbluth, Immediate Past President; and Pam Heiges, Faye Ridling, Cree Sechrist, and James Schwarzlose.
Review of the May Meeting Minutes. The minutes for the May meeting were received and accepted as corrected.
Treasurer’s Report. Mary Stuckey provided the Treasury Report for May. PLAIN currently has a positive balance of $2,522.83.Mary reported that she will be working on the 509(a)2-990PF status in June.
Memorial Day Activities. PLAIN sponsored the annual Ice Cream Social during the Pine Lake Memorial Day Celebration on Saturday, May 23. Faye R. and Linda O. set up, served, and did the clean-up, with assistance from Paula Clancy. Members of the Pine Lake BaptistChurch were invited to participate. The Ice Cream Social was very well attended, with Cookies-and- Cream the most popular flavor this year!
Monthly Pancake Breakfast. Pam H. and Cre S. discussed continuing the monthly pancake breakfast. The current crew has been doing this for many years, and several of the crew members (including Pam and Cre) now have other obligations and will not be able to continue on a regular basis. They are urgently requesting assistance. They suggested that other organizations might want to host the breakfast every other month, and keep any profits. However, they emphasized the organization would be required to provide their own paper products, and clean up the facility afterwards.
Discussion continued on the overall needs of the kitchen in the Beach House, which is in need of renovation. There is a lack of storage, and a current need for a cabinet that locks to secure items purchased for PLAIN-sponsored breakfasts. Lalah M. said she would look for a new cabinet. Faye suggested shopping at the State of Georgia Surplus Store.; the city of Pine Lake can obtain permission for us to shop there. Because the next breakfast falls on a holiday weekend (July 4th), it was decided not to have a breakfast in July. The next breakfast will be held on August 1. People interested in assisting on the breakfast crew should contact Sheryl Feenan at (404) 508-5623 or through her e-mail at
New Business:
General Membership Meeting. The election was held for the 2009-2010 PLAIN officers.
Lalah Manly introduced the current slate, and James Schwarlose moved to accept the slate. The vote was taken and the slate was accepted. The officers areas follows: Gwyneth Butera, President: Lalah Manly, Vice President;Mary Stuckey, Treasurer; Linda Orgain,Secretary.
Although Gwyneth has temporarily agreed to remain president, she would like to step down should another individual be found to accept this leadership position. Lalah will continue to seeka n individual to become the PLAIN president, and also, over the next year, seek new candidates for both the treasurer and secretary positions. Both Mary Stuckey and Linda Orgain have agreed to remain in these leadership positions only for 1 more year.
Annual Membership Drive. This event will take place in June, beginning with the Pancake Breakfast this coming Saturday, June 6. All members renew their membership. The cost of the PLAIN membership is $25 per household. Those who renew at the June 6 Pancake Breakfast will eat for free!
Linda Orgain informed the group that this past year, PLAIN had 73 member households. Linda has turned over the membership spread sheet to Lalah M., who will keep this current for 2009-2010.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10p.m.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, August 6, at 7:30 p.m. at the Clubhouse.